Saturday, July 15, 2006

Steamy.... Hot

Things here in D.C. have been steamy hot. The temperature has been about 90+ degrees and the humidity has been about 90%. We try to go outside but can only last about 15 minutes or so. It's been quite an adjustment since we got back from Montana.

I've been knitting on my blanket and tried like heck to get that sock done. Unfortunately I had to pull it out. Maybe socks just aren't for me? I restarted a new sock that is a footie type sock and I'm still struggling. I tend to get confused on how to hold the DPNs looking at the outside... looking at the inside.... it's nuts. I see that I've made a bunch of mistakes and have the wrong stitches a few rounds because I was holding the thing wrong. I'm just not really sure what I'm doing wrong. I guess it will have to be trial and error. I'm going to keep going and see what happens at the recommendation of my friend Susan and see after it starts to take better shape. I'll take a picture of the sorry looking thing later or tomorrow ... even though it's quite embarrassing. I'm waiting for my Mom to get home so that we can jump on MSN and turn on our Web Cams and show each other stuff. Love that internet!


Anonymous said...

Humid + Heat = knitter's headache. Hope the heat breaks soon. As for the DPN, I do agree they require some getting use to.. After sometime they will stop looking like some lethal weapon. ;)Maybe you can try focusing only on the needles you're working with?

Ps. I think the idea of you and your mom showing each other stuffs throught MSN is really cute =)


Anonymous said...

I find some information here.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.