My Mom sent me this yummy Lion Brand tote. It's quite big! I've got my felted bag project in there that I'm working on in tandem with my friend Mandy. We both had to put it down in order to finish up some holiday knitting. She's been a knitting fool since I taught her and made everyone in her family scarfs for Christmas!
Here is something I bought myself. It's a cross stitch pattern (no I'm not giving up knitting) but I miss my cross stitch and thought this would be something great for our kitchen. My husband loves roosters and actually when he was in the military everyone called him Rooster. I'm going to change the "doodle doo" at the bottom to actually say "Rooster". I think it would be super cute. I don't like that frame so when It's all done, I will take it in and pick something more appropriate.
Those needles are cool! Nice to see you're still cross stitching too.
sorry, i dont' get it...what are light up knitting needles?
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