Sunday, May 06, 2007

Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival

Today I went to my very first Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival! It is a cold day here in Virginia and Maryland. This even was 60 miles from my house. I got up extra early to get there before the big crowds. I overheard some ladies chatting about how crowded it had been the day before so I'm glad that I went today. So I got there right at 9:00 when they opened and was able to make it through the vendors quickly before it got too crowded. I left around 12:30 to head home. When I was walking out, people will still just arriving. There were lots of people spinning yarn which I really enjoyed watching. I also saw a woman spinning rabbit! She actually had the live rabbit on her lap and was spinning the yarn. When she needed more she just "plucked" it right from the rabbit that was on her lap and continued spinning. It was amazing. More on the goodies that I picked up later.

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