1. My favorite yarn to knit with... hmmm... I'm still a new knitter so I don't really have a favorite yarn YET. I can tell you this... Mohair YUCK. Hate it. I had made a scarf with it and it's so messy - shedding and everything. I won't knit with that again if I can help it.
2. I store my needles in a needle case. I have two of them. One is from AC Moore and one is from Joanne's. My mom bought me the one from Joanne's. I don't have many needles just yet.

4. Hmmm.. an Amazon wish list.. wow guess I better get that rolling! I love Amazon.com and order from there often. I just purchased the book called Onskein by Leigh Radford as well as a knitting Journal. Both were great deals. I have purchased yarn from an Ebay store called Supercrafty. They have good deals as well.
5. Favorite Scent??? Anything.... I love candles.
6. Sweet tooth? Who doesn't ;-) but my husband and I are going on the South Beach diet starting Monday so sweets will be off limits for awhile.
7. Other crafts... I think I already mentioned that I cross stitch and make other things as well. I recently saw on Martha Stewart.com her craft armoire and had to get one for myself so here is a picture of mine. It's great for storage!

8. Music... I like all kinds of music. I have an Ipod that I use to listen to tunes on the go. MP3s are okay.
9. Favorite color? Hmmm... I have painted a lot of red in my house. My favorite crayons are periwinkle and midnight blue.
10. Family: Married 7 years. No kids, no pets. One step son... he's 17 in September and lives in Montana. Mom and brother live in Florida and my 2 older sisters each with their husbands and three boys live in Long Island.
11. I wear scarves, hats, mittens and ponchos (I don't actually have a poncho but would wear one if I did). It does get cold here where I live so I need to be prepared when I'm waiting outside on the platform for a train to arrive to take me to work.
12. Favorite items to knit. Not really sure just yet.
14. Handmade gifts are great. Especially when they are given to someone who can really appreciate the time it takes to make them.
15. Needles.... I like straight but love the addi turbo circular needles. I like the bamboo needles... I have a bunch of them.
16. I don't have a yarn winder or swift yet. I've been looking to pick one up but they are expensive here. I'll wait until I have a need for it first.
18. Oldest UFO... welll.... actually my old UFO is my Mom's UFO. Before I started to learn how to knit I saw this beautiful scarf I wanted when I was visiting Scotland 2 years ago. I bought the yarn, beads and the book for my mom. Unfortunately, she couldn't do it. The pattern with the beads was too much for her to do so now I've inherited that project. Other than that... no other UFOs. To be honest, when I started to knit, I promised myself that I wouldn't create this HUGE stash of yarn that would take years and years to knit and to only work on one project at a time. So far, I have held true to this (not including this hand me down UFO). Sounds crazy right? All knitters have stashes??? I just don't want to have happen what happened with all my cross stitch stuff. Bought way too much and now it just sits around. I do love yarn stores and looking and touching and it's so hard not to buy something. Hmmm... I might have to change my "rule".
19. Favorite Holiday? Actually it isn't a holiday but actually it's VACATION time. Love to go away and travel any time of the year.
20. I don't collect anything.
22. New technique and 23. sock knitter. Actually the new technique I want to learn is to make socks. I tried to learn via a book on dpns but it's tough. I used a cool website I found called www.knittinghelp.com but I still had issues. I'm going to try to take a class at a local yarn shop. Problem with this is there is always a waiting list to get into a classes. Darn. I'm a size 6.5 and would love love love hand made knitted socks.
24. Birthday? Just passed - April 27th
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