So here it is... the bowl I was talking about in my last post. It was a super fast project. This was my very first felting as well. I made a few mistakes but I think that the finished project came out cute. When I got to the end which is actually the bottom and wove in the end, it either came out during the felting process or something else but there is a hole in the bottom about the size of a quarter. It doesn't matter though, I'm already starting on my second bowl and should do better with that one.

I'm working on the blue one and I'm excited to see how it goes. I'm knitting it a little tighter because I had thought that it was going to be a bit smaller buy the picture in the book.
Also today, I met with the instructor that came to my office to teach beginning knitting. She helped me finish my tank top. I'm going to do a little stretching/blocking on it this weekend and I'll have a picture of it up. I'm not sure if I will be in it or not but we'll see. Not sure if it will fit still. The jury is out.

Nice bowl! Is this a pattern from the One Skein book? I haven't been able to get my hands on one yet.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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