Thursday, May 17, 2007

Yesterdays News

Yesterday I made this on the train ride to work and back. All that is left is to sew it up and felt! This is the small clutch that is in the one skein book. I'm using the yarn that they call for which is Lambs Pride Bulky. Problem is that I've used that before to make the bowls and I wasn't very happy with how the yarn felted. It's 85% Wool and 15% Mohair. Wonder why they would recommend this yarn in the book?

Amazon also came by and brought me this new book. I've only read the first chapter so far but I'm pretty excited to get through it. I'll let you know how it is.
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Anonymous said...

the bag is very cute and I cant wait to hear about this new book.

Linda said...

Glad you got the book!