Sunday, December 24, 2006
Soon, soon....
Stay tuned.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Debbie Bliss.... Why Why Why???????
In any event, I started the scarf and hat from my last post. Do you know, that the pattern calls for 2 skeins for each the hat and scarf. I started the hat and I didn't have enough yarn. Well.... I bought that yarn in Columbia MD and I wasn't going back there so I went to my local yarn store in Alexandria, VA. They had the yarn but I was worried about the dye lot. The woman told me right off the bat that they have had problems with all the patterns in this book and they have been telling all their customers that you will need more than what the pattern calls for. I wish the ladies at the place where I had picked it up knew that at the time.
Any who... Picked up another skein and darn it - it was so close in color to the ones that I had. I pulled the price tag off of it when I got home and found out that it was the SAME DYE LOT! Crazy! I guess I got lucky. Why Debbie Bliss, oh why?
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Did I say cashmere?

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Another scarf.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Oh Boy what a Joy!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Current Project...
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Happy Birthday Susan!

Saturday, October 21, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
Christmas is coming people

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Projects and Works...

Long Overdue...

All - I know that this is long overdue. This is the final package that I received from my secret pal. With things so crazy and our trip to Mexico, I was not able to post the wonderful things that Kessa sent to me. She is from Singapore and the most beautiful thing shown above is some yarn that she HAND DYED herself. WOW. I can't wait to figure out what I am going to make with that. I know that it will be something special just for me!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
I just can't talk about it....
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
September 11th - A Memory
When the plane hit the Pentagon, that’s when it took an even closer, more personal turn. My phone started ringing off the hook. Are you okay? Is Paul okay? Family and friends called in to check and see where we were. Had we made it to work? Most people know that the subway here runs underneath the Pentagon and they were worried. Even though I had not heard from Paul yet, I knew he was okay. He was working at the White House at the time and I thought there could be no safer place. Then I heard it on the news… reports saying that the plane that hit the Pentagon was probably intended to hit the White House. I was stunned. I immediately counted my blessings and let out some tears when Paul called from out on the street around the White House where they had been evacuated. I made more calls then giving the all clear.
More co-workers arrived, everyone just stood. We all just stood in silence, in awe. We saw Tower 2 get hit and then we saw the Towers fall. We knew then that this day could never and would never be erased from our minds.
I got a ride home from a co-worker. The subway was shutdown... traffic was gridlock – everyone was trying to get home to their loved ones – simply to hold them and be thankful to be alive. I waited … Paul continued to work. The President came on that night… I waited…. I knew Paul was okay… and yet, I waited….. and when he came home, we hugged.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I had brought my blanket with me to FL to have my Mom help me with the ends and things. You know... there are certain things only a Mom can tell you.... well... she told me that my blanket had too many mistakes and that if it were her blanket, she wouldn't give it to anyone. Now... sounds harsh but I took it well and realized that she was right as she helped me frog all 10 skeins. Another lesson learned. There are so many! It's a sad sad day.

I happily casted on for a new project. A little girl sweater. It's my first sweater so we'll see how it goes. So far nothing too complicated. I'm moving slowly. This sweater is from Rowan and you can see it here.

Meanwhile... as always I'm knitting more warshrags. Here is my latest. This is my first Mason Dixon one. It took a few tries to get it going but I've got the pattern moving now. I'm almost done actually!

While in TX I taught my friend and her daughter to knit. It was great! It's amazing how quickly some people catch on to things. Stefani was rolling along on her scarf so fast and her daughter, even though she was a leftie, picked it up quick as well with me trying to show her and trying to knit as a leftie. It was pretty funny!
I picked up some of this thick and quick stuff and knit a fast scarf. It's a good teaching yarn. Knits up just like it says. QUICK. This will be a gift for my Boss's daughter. She's 6 years old. How perfect with all the pretty colors. I need to locate another skein to make the fringe. I went to my Michaels last night and didn't see any. Will have to search elsewhere. I have time though since I think it will be one of my Christmas presents. Christmas! Yikes. We're already talking about Christmas.

Friday, August 25, 2006
Presto Chango

Monday, August 21, 2006
Almost done!
I sent my secret pal her last package today. It's kinda sad to see this all coming to a close. I sure hope that this package gets to Australia safe and intact. I've enjoyed reading her blog. She just posted up what she made with the koigu that I sent her in the first package. Wow... it's beautiful. Check it out.
I'm leaving for Florida on Friday to see my Mom and Brother. My sister and 2 nephews are also going to FL (they are leaving tomorrow) and we will be able to hang for a few days (my trip is only Friday-Tuesday. I'm hoping to have my blanket completed and have Mom help me with all those ends that need to be tucked away! I also want to block it while I am there. The thing looks like a mess right now.
Here is the next dishcloth that I've been working on. I'm not so crazy with the pattern but it's cute. I'm ready for this one to be done.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Another one!

I got this done last night. I'm heading to Floriday in 2 weeks and wanted to have a few of these done to give to my new 'sister-in-law' to be Michelle that I'm going to meet in person for the first time. Mom says she likes blue so I hope she likes these. I really like the basket weave's easy and it looks great! I better get cracking on that blanket. My friend is going to pop that baby out in no time at all and I won't be ready. Guess I'll work on that today when my company leaves. All is quiet now... everyone is still sleeping... we wore those kids out yesterday!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Tuesday Morning Commute...

Monday, August 07, 2006
Ahhhh Summer Weekends....

Here we are sunrise 6:15am on Sunday. Ahhh priceless.

Knitting was scarce this weekend because fishing was on the agenda! I caught an 18" stripper fish. Boy did he taste good for dinner! We were out in the boat around 6:30 and back by 9:00 to beat the heat. It was a perfect time and the fish were certainly biting well. Janet and I caught a bunch of fish before Paul even got his first bite! Who said girls can't fish?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
What's up?
I love getting postcards fun!
I've gotten the dish cloth bug so to speak so I've been knitting these up like crazy. They don't take much time and best of all, they don't cost very much. I've already been using mine and after I washed the smaller one, it looked even better! The SP8 pal that I have had made one from the Mason Dixon book that she posted on her blog so I purchased that today via Amazon. I can't wait to get it! I also picked up Maggie Sefton's new one A Deadly Yarn. I can't wait to read that one. I really enjoyed these books.
Look at this cute bag that I bought from a friend of mine who happened to have an extra. It's actually a fancy lunch bag that is now my getaway knitting bag to take with me on the train ride to work. It's perfect!
Here's the next one I'm making, it's a basket weave pattern. I've been pulling different designs right from my perpetual calendar that my husband bought me for Christmas. Santa had sent him an email telling him that I wanted it. I'm so glad that Santa is in on the information age and on email! This is a great calendar with lots of design ideas. You'll never ever run out.
I probably could have been more productive with my knitting this weekend but instead, I finally installed new faucets in my bathroom. They look really sweet and are much more functional that the old ones we had.